Resolution Study:
on Built Landscape and Cyborg Gaze

Time-based media by code

I built 3D models of natural landscapes and used code to simulate machine ways of seeing, or perception, based on pixels. A fascinating point is that no matter how precisely a program calculates the pixels to construct the illusion, the resolution is not better than that of the human eye.

This resonates with my other project, Random Access Memory (RAM): Computer vision is essentially the statistics of each pixel unit, rather than abstraction through the human eye. If RAM analyzes how humans and machines see the world, then [Resolution Study on Built Landscape and Cyborg Gaze] responds by showing how machines construct virtual landscapes.


这个作品回应了我另一个 探讨机器视觉和存储的作品 Random Access Memory (RAM):计算机视觉本质上是每个像素单元的统计学,而不是通过人眼抽象。如果说 RAM 是分析机器和人类是如何观看和存储世界的, 那么这个作品是分析机器如何模拟构建自然的。